A 5700t clearfell of mainly Sitka spruce, 5500t with a small quantity of Lodgepole pine (200t)
A good quality Sitka spruce crop with a high sawlog content, av dbh 28, top height 26m, av tree 0.77m3.
Moderate Lodgepole pine, mainly chipwood.
Level site, soft ground in places
Powerline, watercourses and environmental constraints
New road into felling coupe and good access, suitable for winter working.
This coupe is licenced for felling by Scottish Forestry under long term plan no 18FGS34639
The property will be certified prior to harvesting
To view the parcel please contact Teddy Ellis on 07904814879 to get gate codes.
Condition Report
Good quality spruce crop with a high green sawlog content
Good stem form and ideal for cutting 4.9 and 3.7m sawlogs
Some scattered windblow
Level / undulating terrain with some wet areas.
A 5700t clearfell of mainly Sitka spruce, 5500t with a small quantity of Lodgepole pine (200t)
A good quality Sitka spruce crop with a high sawlog content, av dbh 28, top height 26m, av tree 0.77m3.
Moderate Lodgepole pine, mainly chipwood.
Level site, soft ground in places
Powerline, watercourses and environmental constraints
New road into felling coupe and good access, suitable for winter working.
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Auction: Rashiehill 2024, ending 18th Dec, 2024
Auction sale of 5700t clearfell of Sitka spruce with a small amount of Lodgepole pine
To view the parcel please contact Teddy Ellis on 07904814879